Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Emerson "isms"

Just thought I would share a few of the quotes from our little red that have cracked us up lately. She's very verbal and sometimes smarter than her mommy or daddy...oh no!

She calls the UPS truck the "chocolate milkman".

When she saw the front of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue at the newsstand she asked.."my look boobies".

While driving home and she was insistent that I rub her leg, I explained the need for 2 hands on the steering wheel etc. She continued to ask, very politely, and I complimented her on how "nicely" she was asking me. From then on the request was still very polite but followed by "my ask nicely". How do you say no to that?? She even used it later with daddy when he was having a snack before dinner. He told her that we were eating soon and she said "but my ask nicely".

My favorite is when she initiates "I love you mommy" and gives you kisses and hugs without asking!

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