Monday, October 13, 2008

Growing up

She's was working very hard to assemble her "merry-go-round". This was after she put her own shoes on....the wrong feet. Gotta start somewhere.

Nice Emerson....

She loves to see herself in the camera

When left to play in her room she finds lot of things mommy had put away--she didn't seem to remember what they were for at all. Just another toy to play with.

She looked all grown up today...

Emerson loves to play with her puzzles...this one especially. Despite how she declines showing you in the video. Sorry it's a bit on the long side.


Jennifer said...

Holy Moly she's getting sooooo big. Wow! Wish I was closer to you all. I know...MOVE HERE!! It's cheaper! Love Jen

misty said...

oh my gosh, she looks so grown up, the girls are going to freak.

Brent and Dayla said...

I LOVE the picture of her shoes on the wrong made me laugh! EVERY child does maybe it says something about how we wear shoes :-)